Stream of Dance 2020
Welcome From New Dance Horizons
On behalf of New Dance Horizons (NDH) Board of Directors and Staff, I'd like to extend a warm welcome to old and new friends to Stream of Dance 2020, our first ever virtual programming.
“Our first ever virtual programming”
The festival will be available on our site from April 23rd through to June 1st with ongoing additions. If you are on NDH email list you will receive updates when new programming content is added. If you're not on our email list you can sign up under the tab, support on our web site. Sign up and we'll keep you posted.
The festival is available online April 23rd through to June 1st 2020 with ongoing additions and is FREE to the public.
The festival offers four distinct programs including:
- a tiny world's fair (PARTS I-IV), in partnership with the Art Gallery of Regina
- International Dance Day's Dialogues & Dances
- Streaming Dance on Film, 3 evenings of Dance Film in partnership with RPL Film Theatre and Queer City Cinema
- NDH's Plain A.I.R residency with 91.3FM CJTR Regina Community Radio, a series of radio programs with guest artists and teachers.
NDH opens a window on creativity and innovation in dance. With a focus on serving Saskatchewan's communities of artists and public, NDH has provided ongoing creative art experiences from classes, workshops, public dance parties, secret garden tours and
community processions to residency activities with local and guest artists and ongoing presentations of internationally acclaimed dance performances for over 3 decades.
At the heart of NDH is creation and NDH/Rouge-gorge (R-g), the organizations creation base. R-g is led by guest Co-Artistic Directors
Edward Poitras with
Robin Poitras.
We are grateful to all the Partners, Funders, Supporters, Volunteers, Friends of NDH, and to all Artists who have joined us in making this virtual experience possible.
“Tonight, the dance floor belongs to you”Tonight, the dance floor belongs to you in the comfort of your own home. We hope you enjoy the programs and will return over and over again to embrace the offerings of STREAM OF DANCE 2020 and where ever the dance takes you. Thank you so much for joining us.
Robin PoitrasArtistic & Managing Director
May 10th
Happy Mother Day
While whispers of winter still float in the air, spring has sprung, bringing crocuses, pelicans and bountiful earthly delights.
From all of us at NDH we wish you HAPPY MOTHERS DAY and extend a warm welcome to STREAM OF DANCE.
In celebrating mothers and mothering around the globe, today's PART III of a tiny world's fair celebrates women and some of the great mothers of the contemporary dance including the Delorme Women's Pow Wow dances and short dance video entitled eclipse.

May 8th
New Dance Horizons has selected three dance films for their Stream of Dance festival! Strike A Pose, Breath Made Visible & Pina are free to watch with your RPL library card on Kanopy!
Co-curated by Robin Poitras, Gary Varro & Sylvain Bleau.
Regina Public Library, in partnership with New Dance Horizon's Stream of Dance 2020, Queer City Cinema, and Cinédanse.
April 29rd
On the occasion of the International Dance Day, New Dance Horizons (NDH) is excited to present:
In 1982 the Dance Committee of ITI founded
International Dance Day to be celebrated every year on the 29
th April, the birthday of Jean-Georges Noverre (1727-1810), creator of modern ballet. The intention of the International Dance Day Message is to celebrate dance, revel in the universality of this art form, cross all political, cultural and ethnic barriers, and bring people together with a common language - dance. (

April 25th
April 23rd
Launch of Stream of Dance Festival 2020
Tonight's programming features interviews, performances, films, and visual art by artists Mistaya Hemingway, Patrick Watson, Chris Lavis, Dick Moulding, Frans Lotz, Edward D. Finch, Ashley Johnson, Karlie King, Johanna Bundon, Jayden Pfeifer, and Lee Henderson.